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© Patrick O'Donovan 1986–2019

That was the week that was: the wind shifts
7 Sep 2018

Agnès Desarthe in America

Dans l’écriture de la narratrice, beaucoup repose sur le double, la dualité, l’apparence et la réalité, mais aussi le détail qui révèle un ensemble. Rien n’est jamais anodin, et on lit avec plaisir et inquiétude, les deux sentiments mêlés, constamment.
Norbert Czarny, En attendant Nadeau

Dans La Chance de leur vie, l’écrivaine installe une famille française en Caroline du Nord. Tout peut arriver. Ou rien. Un grand antiroman américain.
Raphaëlle Leyris, Le Monde

Wallace Stevens in translation

Telle est la manière dont le vent tourne :
Comme un être humain, lourd de tout son lourd,
Qui n’en a cure.

‘The Wind Shifts’, Poezibao

Reclaiming ‘provincialism’

It is time we really started to understand and value the contributions of regional universities in promoting an empowering idea of locality.
Valentina Gosetti, ‘Reclaiming “provincialism”’

I preferred the book

Screenplays based on books perform better at the box office, even after controlling for their budgets
The Economist: Daily Chart

Open access by 2020

On 4 September 2018, 11 national research funding organisation, with the support of the European Commission including the European Research Council (ERC), announced the launch of cOAlition S, an initiative to make full and immediate Open Access to research publications a reality.
cOAlition S

Eleven research funders in Europe announce ‘Plan S’ to make all scientific works free to read as soon as they are published.
Nature, 561, 17-18 (2018)

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