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© Patrick O'Donovan 1986–2019

That was the week that was: something beautiful
21 Sep 2018

Who killed Maurice Audin?

One of the suits that Josette Audin filed on behalf of her husband was a complaint of ‘illegal confinement and a crime against humanity’. That was in 2002. In 2017, during a visit to Algiers, candidate Macron used the same expression – ‘crime against humanity’ — to describe the colonial process. It was part of a past, he added, for which ‘we should apologise’.
Jeremy Harding, LRB Blog

What are you reading… on phenomenology?

Five recent articles on phenomenology
Blog of the APA

Dundonians, unite! The V&A on Tayside

There was pride in this building, too, laced with a measure of relief that it was something beautiful. One local artist told me that as the design of the V&A first began to emerge a series of pictures in the Dundee Courier it took the city’s breath away.
Kevin McKenna, ‘Thanks to the V&A, Dundee will no longer be the butt of a nation’s jokes’, The Guardian

(Full disclosure: I lived and worked in Dundee in 1986–87; time for a return visit.)

Should immigration laws be respected?

If states want the right and not just the power to “control their borders,” then they have to take account of the rights and interests of immigrants. Otherwise, there is no law—only tyranny.
Christopher Bertram, The Nation

Two-stage research funding schemes: the ERC interview

The day before the interview I had this gut feeling that I didn’t want to practice the presentation and reread the proposal anymore. Finally I thought of ringing my sister, who is a professional musician, and asking what musicians do before an important audition. She gave me some great advice. I think for future candidates it would be really useful to have somebody who is an expert on preparing for a high-stakes performance, for instance music or sport or acting, to coach candidates on this sort of practical stuff. My sister said a musician would never practice the audition piece in the last 24 hours. They would do something completely different and relaxing.
Jill Walker Rettberg, My ERC interview: the full story

AI and education

Education has to provide the basis for individuals being able to lead good lives, to contribute to others leading good lives, and to have skills as employees – perhaps to transfer good ‘values’ into employment? […] we need education that facilitates understanding of this world and responds to the implicit questions of what ‘good’ means in these contexts — so we need not just AI-science, but also the social sciences and the humanities.
Alan Wilson, The challenges of AI and the future of work

Remote only…

a manifesto (via Four short links)

‘Google unveils search engine for open data’

Google has unveiled a search engine to help researchers locate online data that are freely available for use. […] Dataset Search […] locates files and databases on the basis of how their owners have classified them. It does not read the content of the files themselves in the way search engines do for web pages.
Nature 561, 161-162 (2018)

See also Dan Russell, It’s often hard to find good data sets

And at Yale (via Research Buzz): Online search tool ‘lifting a veil’ on Yale’s collections

RSS anyone?

There are two stories here. The first is a story about a vision of the web’s future that never quite came to fruition. The second is a story about how a collaborative effort to improve a popular standard devolved into one of the most contentious forks in the history of open-source software development.
‘The rise and demise of RSS’, Two-Bit History

What is tragedy?

The contradictions [of tragic action] are the substance and the emotional responses and are not necessarily purely subjective: they mobilize the audience’s existing knowledge of the plot and prompt them to think about its significance in unanticipated ways.
A post, in response to Tyler Cowen

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